Why do we need the Vehicle Identification Number VIN ?
In difference to the aftermarket ( so-called . TecDoc data ( quoting the code numbers 2-1 and 2-2 from the car documents ) , the manufacturer works with exact informations about each vehicle , the key is this the 17 - digit
Vehicle Identification Number. With this information we assure that the part you request information about fits into your Ford.
Example : WB10163AXWXA26175
You find the VIN
- in the German vehicle registration , its number 4 , letter E
- on the car stamped directly in the engine compartment under the cover in the frame, and again on the nameplate
- look on the frame of the drivers door while door is open there is a stickers
- on newer vehicles you see it from the outside through the windshield on the dashboard
- some older cars only have 7-digit VIN, thats also ok.
- if the VIN is not important for the order, you can also continue when you enter the word "no".